Product Line Extension

Now availalable: Extended range of desiccant breathers for hydraulic and gearbox applications in various designs and sizes

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Due to the nature of hydraulics to allow movement, the fluid level in reservoirs needs to rise and fall with demand. The so-called 'breathing' required for this during normal operation can contain harmful dust and debris, which will mix with the fluid and cause damage in the hydraulic system with sometimes serious consequences.

This contamination is the main cause of hydraulic system failures and can significantly reduce the product life span. 

If moisture enters the hydraulic circuit (e.g. through standard breathers or dust caps), this can also have undesirable effects.

Combined Particle and Desiccant Breathers from STAUFF provide immediate help, reduce the ingress of moisture into the hydraulic system or remove it from the reservoir.

Now available from STAUFF: Extended range of Particle and Desiccant Breathers in robust, compact and simplified design for hydraulics, gearboxes and and various other areas of application.

Particle and Desiccant Breathers in the STAUFF Online Shop

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