Bulk Query Feature

Easily check prices and availability for a large number of items

Shop Functionalities

With the bulk query feature, STAUFF now offers existing customers, i.e. companies with a customer number and linked account in the STAUFF online shop, a very simple way of finding out current prices and availability for a large number of items.

A list with the requested items and quantities is simply uploaded to the shop as a file. For the sake of simplicity, STAUFF provides a corresponding template in CSV and Excel/XLSX format for download. Queries can be made using STAUFF material numbers and customer material numbers, if available.

The entire selection with all price and availability information can then be downloaded as a file or transferred directly to the shopping cart. Of course, it is also possible to edit individual items there.

STAUFF Werdohl


Head Office STAUFF Germany

Walter Stauffenberg GmbH & Co. KG

Im Ehrenfeld 4
58791 Werdohl
