The STAUFF Code of Conduct summarizes the common values which guide the company. It defines the principles which we implement in our daily work life and sets binding targets that determine our actions. This code serves as a standard for ourselves and a promise from each of us to our customers, suppliers and business partners.
We are committed to the laws of the countries in which we operate. Each and every employee is responsible for complying with local laws.
This code helps us satisfy the highest requirements and maintain the highest standards.
This code and the company’s common values   have been created and formulated in collaboration  with our employees from the various locations and divisions, as well as the employee  representatives and in close cooperation with our compliance officers.
This code reflects our commitment to our company’s values: responsibility, integrity, ability to transform and performance, but above all, appreciation of and respect for everyone.
We see our commitment to our shared values and the resulting actions as a prerequisite for our international success. The full integration of this code is crucial for our global success.
This code gives our customers confidence in our products, our services and our promises. Through our commitment, we make sure that we can be proud of our achievements and our perception as a responsible and internationally-oriented company.
We ask companies who work on behalf of the LUKAD Group and its subsidiaries to commit  themselves to comply with this code and its related policies.
Our managers are role models. Their task is to monitor and ensure compliance with this code.